Having rebranded the I Can Heal Myself Workshop and deciding to continue it for another summer, Brandi Chantalle will guide participants through Self, Care & Sisterhood: a virtual workshop where journaling and conversational prompts help attendees examine the extent to which their current practices and beliefs contribute to their best selves.
The schedule will be as follows:
Week 1: Getting Acquainted (community-building and self-assessment)
Week 2: Taking Inventory (inner child reflections and assessing your village)
Week 3: Telling the Truth (affirmations and envisioning our best selves)
Week 4: Seeking Community (self-care tool kit and assessing your boundaries)
Come prepared to better know your (best) self. Come prepared to embrace your truth - even if it is uncomfortable. Come expecting to learn and implement new strategies... And hopefully, make a couple of sister-friends while doing it.
Visit EventBrite for more details